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  • 학회지
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  • 19권(2009)

19권(2009) | [19권 4호]최화열·노하은, A Study on Cultural and Historical Characteristics of…

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일11-01-27 13:00 조회3,389회 댓글0건



Abstract : In this study, Jongmyo shrine, UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Jongmyo Royal Ancestral Rite,
which have been selected as masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, are inquired into their
cultural and historical values through literature research and field investigation. Jongmyo Shrine and Jongmyo
Royal Ancestral Rite, which is a sacrifice held at Jongmyo Shrine, are unique cultural properties where people are
allowed to enjoy Memory of the World in both tangible and intangible forms. However, statement of tourism
promotion with a systematic publicity is still insufficient. Therefore, it is undeniable that splendid cultural assets,
Jongmyo shrine and Jongmyo Royal Ancestral Rite, have been estimated inappropriately despite their values. In
order to utilize them as better revitalized cultural resources, which are to be contributed to culture and tourism
business, it is necessary to not only ensure support from the government but to establish cultural identity of
individual about nation’s cultural properties, and also protection and tradition of heritages are needed.
Key words: Jongmyo Shrine, Jongmyo Royal Ancestral Rite, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Memory of the


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