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21권(2011) | [21권 4호]Yoo, Yong Jae, Social Capital and Residents Participation in R…

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일12-03-11 23:04 조회2,177회 댓글0건



Abstract : Wide adoption of the five-day workweek at workplace and the changed attitude toward leisure, the recognition that a rural area is the place where tourist can stay and take a rest is widely spread. The government°Øs judgment is that only agricultural development is not sufficient in developing a rural area. Farm village tourism greatly affects in increased income of a farm village, nation integration and balanced development of the nation land. This study aims to seek for a device which encourages rural residents to participate in the process of pursuing rural tourism promotion and the method to be able to activate rural tourism.

Key words: Agricultural Tourism, five-day workweek, leisure, participation in rural residents.


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