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21권(2011) | [21권 4호]Hong, Sung Ryong, The Study of the Culture and Art of Aborigin…

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일12-03-11 22:51 조회2,307회 댓글0건



Abstract :“Aborigine”is an abbreviation of the Australian origin, refers to Australian natives. Australian aborigines boast their cultural history is the oldest in the world. Their origins can be traced back to the last ice age. Australian aborigines describe the myth of creation, tradition, history, life stories, etc. through symbols. The subjects of their identity are myth and legend, relative to the land. In 1788, white people migrated from England, and took territory from the Australian aborigines, who had lived there for more than 25,000 years. The populationof the aborigines has decreased to 31,000 in 1911. The Australian Government is implementing a peaceful coexistent policy, while protecting the unique culture of aborigines, which account for only about two percent of the Australian population. This study is to research what “Dreamtime”means, through the investigation of the following studies: 1) Tracing the legacy of the Aboriginal people during the pioneering period, through the
geographic environment and historic footsteps of the aborigines; 2) The identity of Aborigines born into a painful history, awareness and life; 3) on Aboriginal art and culture through Aboriginal myths and legends.

Key words: JAborigine, Australian Natives, Culture and Art, Myth and Legend


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